CAM Addons

Extend CAM Systems

For the use of milling machines, lathes, drilling machines, in additive manufacturing (3D printing), burning machines etc. CAM systems are used to generate NC code.

With the help of self-programmed addons for CAM systems, we can program the user interface, new commands, as well as new or extended functions for you. Whether this is for data exchange, for production optimization and control, or graphical algorithms and automations, we can find the solution for you.

Here are listed only the systems that we currently extend with addons or control by programming.


FeatureCAM's strength is its feature-based concept and automatic feature recognition. Meanwhile, this is a product of Autodesk, which they acquired from Delcam a few years ago and which has its origins at the University of Cambridge. It can load solids, simulate machining steps, and generate NC code.


Powemill is also an Autodesk product, which was originally designed for the metal industry and developed for programming tool paths of 2 to 5 axis milling machines.


SolidCAM is a product from the company of the same name, SolidCAM. Through their open interface we can also extend this product.

Siemens NX CAM

Siemens NX with the CAM component is another CAM system for the generation of CNC code in addition to CAD and CAE.


Renishaw offers an improved simulation of manufacturing processes, which usually surpasses the simulation capabilities of the pure CAM systems.


Postprocessors can be used to correct or optimize NC code in post-processing.


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