• Artificial Intelligence

The Journey to hardware-independent Software for Robots

Part 3/10

HIRAC - Develop Hardware independent Software


We would like to present our current research project HIRAC (Hardware Independent Robotic Assistance Controller). This project involves the development of hardware-independent software that can perform various tasks with robotic arms. As a unique selling point, however, this application should not only work on one specific robot.

Our goal is not just to train a robotic arm in the social field and bring it to market as a medical product. Rather, it is about developing and implementing software that can use AI to train robot parts from different manufacturers and with different sensor systems. The software can therefore be used in both the industrial and social sectors.



info icon     And this is how it should work:

A camera records an everyday scene, e.g. a table with various objects. This image is then displayed on a touchscreen.
The software analyses the recorded image, recognizes the different objects and suggests tasks that the robotic arm can perform with these objects.
The desired task can be selected on the touchscreen or by a person using eye tracking. Once the task has been selected, several actions are carried out.
For example, a bottle can be picked up, water can be poured into a glass and the bottle can be put down again.



In order for our project to be successfully implemented, we have to develop and rethink many technical functionalities:

Object Recognition, Localization, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Transfer, Security


HIRAC - Research Project

Hardware Independent Robotic Assistance Controller

  • Part 1

    How to use Artificial Intelligence correctly in Robotics 

  • Part 2

    Potential for Robotics in Industry and Healtcare

  • Part 3

    The Journey to hardware-independent Software

  • Part 4

    And it all starts with Image Processing

  • Part 5

    How a Robot Movement works 

  • Part 6

    Training Camp for Artificial Intelligence

  • Part 7

    Robotics and Machine Learning 

  • Part 8

    Robots must be safe

  • Part 9

    One System for different Robots

  • Part 10

    Our Roboics Application will soon be ready for Use 


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