Programming with C++
In this training, you will be shown the art of programming with C++ and the joy of programming will be strengthened.
How to reach your goal most quickly is taught in this workshop. You will get a good overview and learn to program with simple but also challenging exercises. Afterwards, you should be able to create programmes on your own and feel like learning more.
Suitable for
- Software architects
- Software developers
Previous Knowledge
- C++ basic knowledge
Working Form and Duration
- 3 days
- currently on request
Materials Participants
- Laptop
- Visual Studio (2017, 2019, 2022)
- Good but not mandatory Visio Professional (2016, 2019, 2021 or 2022)
- Stationery
Training Room
- Projector
- Whiteboard, blackboard or flipchart
Content of the 3-day Training / Workshop
Day 1
- Overview Day 1
- Concept
- Object-oriented development
- Classes
- Methods
- Inheritance, multiple, overwrite
- Association, aggregation, composition
- Interface
- Modern object-oriented development
- Clean Programming for team work
- Guidelines C++
- Independent exercises
- Outlook for Day 2
Day 2
- Review (Training Day 1)
- Overview Day 2
- Pointers, References
- Smartpointer
- Collections / Containers
- Lists, chained, FIFO
- Arrays / Maps
- Iterators
- Practical exercises
Day 3
- Review (Training Day 2)
- Overview Day 3
- Iteration
- Garbage Collection
- Exception Handling
- Templates
- Operator overloading
- Streams
- Utility classes
- Independent exercises
- Conclusion
- Where can I find more information?