
3D Modeling

A constant in Europe and a pioneer in 3D modeling is Nemetschek's Allplan. The program differed from other CAD systems early on in its conceptual approach. For example, a building model could be modeled in 3D from the start and retrieved in 2D sections as an intermediate result.

The German company had much success with its concept and its implementation as software. With bulging coffers, Graphisoft with its ARCHICAD program and other companies could be bought out.

Facility Management

They had a less fortunate hand with some specialized products, such as Facility Management. However, it is normal for the industry not to excel in several areas, especially non-specialized ones.

Market Share

In the meantime, the competition has caught up, for example with Revit. Nemetschek must therefore be careful not to lose market share. Modernizing the user interface and 3D engine could have a positive effect here. A more open company policy, both with sales partners and for add-on developers would do them and the customers good.

We would love for Nemetschek to get back into the race, and we are curious to see in which direction the company will develop in the future.


Nemetschek offers a programming interface with NOI. However, this is only offered to a select group of partner companies. We hope that the German manufacturer learns from the ubiquitous addon freedom.

Bentley with the CAD program Microstations, as well as Autodesk with AutoCAD should offer good examples.

Our Experience

Cadida Software GmbH develops addons for Allplan and also handles ports from or to other CAD systems, such as AutoCAD, Revit, Microstation and BricsCAD.


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