AutoCAD ObjectARX with C++
This is a training course/workshop where participants are taught the theory and practice of software development with AutoCAD's ObjectARX. This course will give you a good overview of Autodesk's C++ API. Through regular exercises you will get a feel for the development of AutoCAD add-ons and receive support to be able to develop add-ons on your own after the course.
Suitable for
- Software architects CAD
- Software developers CAD
Previous Knowledge
- C++, AutoCAD operation
Form of Work and Duration
- 3 days
- currently on request
Materials Participants
- Laptop
- Visual Studio with C++ (2017, 2019, 2022)
- AutoCAD (2016 or newer)
Vertical products also possible. -
Installation ObjectARX
Installation ObjectARX-Wizard for C++
- Good but not mandatory Visio (2016, 2019, 2021 or 2022)
- Stationery
Training Room
- Projector
- Whiteboard, blackboard or flipchart
Content of the 3-day Training / Workshop
Day 1
- Presentation
- Overview
- Basic introduction
- Structure of an ARX
- Compiling
- Starting
- Debugging
- Information
- Class tree short overview
- Help
- Examples
- AcDbEntity
- Create
- Manipulate
- Delete
- Independent exercises
- Outlook to day 2
Day 2
- Review (Training Day 1)
- Overview Day 2
- Blocks
- Overview
- AcDbBlockTableRecord, AcDbBlockReference
- AcDbAttribute, AcDbAttributeDefinition
- Nested Elements
- Iterators / Containers
- Overview
- Symbol Table
- Dictionary
- Layer
- AcDbLayerTable
- AcDbLayerTableRecord
- Reactors
- Overview
- AcDbDatabaseReactor
- AcEditorReactor, AcEditorReactor2
- AcApDocManagerReactor
- Information and storage
- AcDbDatabase
- acdbHostApplicationServices
- Independent exercises
- Outlook to Day 3
Day 3
- Review (Training Day 2)
- Overview Day 3
- Procedure
- Overview
- Exercise
- Dialogues
- Exercise
- What else can be extended?
- Xdata
- Save and read
- ARXdbg
- Examine the database with the ARX debugger
- Command: SNOOP - Snoop
- Undo / Redo
- Locking
- Independent exercises
- Conclusion
- Where to find more info